Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Teacher Standards

Great presentations today!  It was good practice for future presentations.

The discussion of the teacher standards were very informative especially when the different kinds of standards were presented such SOE, NCATE, GPTS, and so on.  It is important to be familiar with the standards because this will guide and assist us in our teaching profession.  It's good to have rules and guidelines.  Rules keep things in order.  Of course, there are some rules that don't help with order.  However, it is never easy to make the best decisions.  Because as humans, we think we always make the best decisions.  Let's strive to continue to be effective teachers with the help of these standards.  In the long run, it will be beneficial.


  1. Yes, we can use the various standards as guidelines and as models to help us achieve our goals. E.F.

  2. Standards are important for us teachers. We can refer to these standards as we go along in our teaching career.
