Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why I Want to Become a Teacher

      No one knows for sure what one wants to be and what will become of one. My decision to become a teacher was a discovery of myself. When I decided to pursue a higher degree of learning, I was unsure what field to take. At first I was very interested in the field of Accounting and so I declared this major. Not to long, I became interested in Computer Science and changed my major. I have taken most of the required classes and I was not feeling satisfied. Another semester had begun. I decided to take an introductory class in early childhood education as an elective at Guam Community College. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the class and I decided to register for additional education classes in the upcoming semesters and declared my major in Early Childhood Education and soon I found myself close to attaining my Associate’s Degree.
     The true test of becoming a teacher came into play when I had Practicum. A period in educational studies where one sets foot in the real world: the classroom. For the next thirty days, I became “their” additional teacher. The first day I entered Room 5 the children were already seated in their seats. I received a strange look from them followed by a sharp stare after I was introduced by their teacher. This kindergarten class was informed that I was their teacher as well. Some of the children became accepting and others felt “invaded”. I could sense it, and this made me so uneasy that my heart started to palpitate faster than the normal heart rate.
     The children had to adapt to change because they were simply comfortable with the teacher they started since the beginning of the school year. Applying what I have learned so far from my education classes has helped me overcome my nervousness. The thirty days I spent with the children was adventurous. Each child in the classroom is unique. There are the quiet ones, the loud ones, the social ones, the one who always volunteers, and others with different characters they bring into the classroom. There were days that it was enjoyable and days that it was difficult. Working with the children was the ultimate test whether or not I would become a teacher. And I have come to a conclusion.
     I want to become a teacher because I know in some little way; I can make a difference in their young minds by being an effective and consistent teacher. From what I have experienced in Room 5 during my Practicum, I have never thought I would be more interested in becoming a teacher. The children, in such a short time, had made me become more aware of my self through patience, tolerance, understanding, and more open-minded. And I at the same time acknowledged their different characters, personalities, and openness. My aim is to have a positive impact in their lives and hoping my teaching abilities are enough to guide, assist, and contribute towards their future as productive citizens.


  1. The Practicum activity seems to have allowed you make your decision about your future! (Nice job on putting the site together.) E.F.

  2. I've been thinking for a while about asking my friend if I can observe his high school chemistry class. Your essay inspired me to ask him tommorrow. I want to teach high school, but I haven't had any experience in it.

  3. I know exactly how you felt. It's the same feeling I had when I started my very first "teaching job" without any knowledge whatsoever on what I was supposed to do. I went to a battle without ammunition. Funny!

    I haven't experienced observing a teacher in action. I would love to see one even though I am already a teacher. I would love to see all sides of grade levels.

  4. I took practicum too.. What a whirl wind that was! It really gave me a taste of all the little things going on in the classroom besides actual learning! O boy! That was when I made my decision that I refuse to teach middle school! But here I am.. Once an early chidhood / elementary major now in secondary. There are so many challenges teachers face but I guess it's at the end of the day when we've connected with children that makes it all worth the while! Have fun!
