Friday, July 3, 2009

Chapter 10: Standards and Assessment: Their Impact on Teaching and Learning and Chapter

The standards for education is a tool for curriculum and to make sure what is taught matches the standards. The standards are the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should know at each grade level. The impact on learning due to the standards affect teaching because of accountability. Everyone is accountable for the students learning including parents. I believe that parents play a big role whether or not the child chooses to or chooses not to learn. The administration of the school including teachers are tools to enhance the child's learning experience and hopefully the children will be able to reach their full potential at every grade level. Testing is part of accountability, however, that standard assessment is not catered to minority groups which actually affects the overall scores. However, teachers should not give up in achieving high scores for their students. Continue to expose children to other things by using different teaching techniques. I know it will take a tremendous amount of effort. This is why it is important to keep INTASC standard 8 in mind:

The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies
to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical
development of the learner.

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